My life through Art.

I am a creative artist and teacher, spending most of my working life at Charterhouse, Surrey. 

Observation is always the beginning. A sunrise during the Spring Equinox, a neolithic burial chamber, or profound experiences such as birth or grief. My work is primarily autobiographical and emotional. I work thematically using whatever medium is appropriate, painting, mixed media, printmaking,  film, instillation, or sculpture. 

Although techniques vary, there are recurring preoccupations: transience, liminal spaces, tension existing between space and matter. 

Since 2020 I have been painting and drawing gardens, ultimately creating fabric designs. After taking Rebecca Street’s Pattern Cutting course, I have started developing a new body of work which I intend to show.

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Wearing the Garden”

Find out more about Mags Orson.

Virtual Exhibitions

These exhibitions have been curated within a 3D environment to bring the gallery to you

All Exhibitions by Mags.